Sunday, April 21, 2013


Book One, Chapters 1-2

1. What bothers Winston?
Julia, his ulcer, Big Brother

2. What is wrong with his society?
More like what's not, the whole world is Communist, the world is in a never ending war, and 

3. What are the three slogans of the Inner Party?
War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Streangth

4. What are the four ministries?

5. What items are written in italics?
What he writes in his diary

6. How does the Two Minute Hate work?
They are made to act like raving lunitics and the hate is focused on the leader of the state's enemy and they (or at least Winston can) focuse it on others.

7. What happens to Winston during the chant?
He acts like a lunitic 

8. What happens between O’Brien and Winston?
O'Brien gives Winston a look that seemed to say "I'm with you"

9. During the film (p. 11), how did the audience react?
They act like crazy people, yelling at the screen, then chant BB after the end

10. What is "thoughtcrime"?
Thinking any thing against Big Brother

11. What are the Thought Police?
Arrest people for thinking the wrong thing

12. Who are the Parsons and what do they represent?
The ideal family in this society

13. How do the Parsons’ children behave?
In their world perfect, in ours, like devil children

14. What is Winston's dream about O’Brien?
That O'Brien said that that they "We shall meet in the place where ther is no darkness"

15. What is announced on the news? (p. 25)
That they just won a great battle but the chocolate ration was reduced

Book One, Chapters 3-4

1. What is Winston’s dream about his mother? How does he feel about himself in that dream?
That she and his baby sister died sacrificed themselves for him. He is mad that he couldn't have been more appreciative at the time as a child

2. What is his dream about the "Golden Country"?
Its a place that he has dreamed about before but this time the dark haired girl was coming toward him throwing off her clothes but he had no desire for her, but he enjoyed it because it represented the destruction of this mesed up world

3. What does he remember about the big events of the past? Bombs? Past Wars?
He remembers a war starting when he was little and that his people were betrayed

4. Explain the Party slogan, "Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past."
If you have the past you can influence the future and the past is controled by the present because you can change it.

5. What does he know about the legends concerning Big Brother?
That Big Brother can change the past (a wake-up moment for him)

6. Describe Winston’s job.
He "fixes" history

7. How is the past controlled?
By rewriting the official recordes

8. What special literature, music, and entertainment is produced for the proletariat (proles)?
", crime, and astrology, sensational 5-cent novelettes, fillms oozing with sax, and sentimental songs..."

9. How does Winston feel about his work? What sort of "creativity" is involved?
He likes it because he can create history and in some cases people and it is all beleavable as aposed to the books createn by machines

10. What is the significance of Comrade Ogilvy?
He is a made up person who is now a part of history

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