Sunday, April 28, 2013


Book Two, Chapter 1

How does Winston react to the note from Julia before he reads it?
He doesn't know what to think, because he doesn't know if she is Thought Police threatening him or what

How does Winston react to the note after he reads it?
He doesn't know what to think, because he doesn't know if she is either Brotherhood or Thought Police

Where do they manage to talk for the first time?
The Canteen

Where do they plan to meet?
Victory Square

What do Winston and Julia do before they part?
The hold hands (awwww)
Book Two, Chapter 2

Why is Winston ill at ease once he is alone with Julia?
He was all like this is awsome but then his self-confedence dropped like a rock

What does Julia bring with her that she has obtained on the black market?
A bar of chocolate

What are Julia’s ideas about the Party?
She pretends to like them so she isn't killed

What familiar sign does Winston find?
He finds a place that looks like the golden country

What is the significance of the thrush music?
Winston's dream come true

What does Winston mean when he says that he loves Julia all the more because she has had scores of sexual encounters?
That reenforces the fact that she couldn't possibly be a spy and that she doesn't blindly fallow the rules

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