Monday, October 29, 2012


Pg. 17
 “The best solution…threw the ring as far out as he could into the sea.” Since Hrok threw the ring, it was surprising that his food got chopped off instead of his arm since that is the body part that threw the ring into the sea. Also, his mother was the one who gave the ring to her bother, and then uses her power over her son to try to get it back.

Pg. 18
“She answered with deep sorrow…..I will not reject him.” In a fit of revenge, Hrok killed Hroar, his uncle, for chopping off his leg, and then expects Hroar’s queen who is pregnant to marry him. How could she even want to marry someone who killed her husband? There is no way she could ever support him. 

1 comment:

  1. page 18 - Yep, and she doesn't support him. She sets him up.
