Monday, October 29, 2012


Pg. 52
“The king answer….will now be called after the sword Golden Hilt.”
King Hrolf was noted by Svip as being generous and trustworthy and particular about his friends  in Chapter 15. This chapter proves that he has these traits by knowing the value of Bodvar, and how he was able to change Hott from being a bullied man into a champion even though he knows that Bodvar killed the beast and not Hott.

Pg. 65
“Bovar said, The hawk is behaving as if….hawks had been killed.”
This is a parallel to the battle that Hrof is  currently fighting in. Hrof’s hawk killed all of King Adil’s hawks, and King Hrolf’s men won the battle against King Adil’s men.

Pg. 66
“King Hrolf said…. Because you will be tested again.” The theme of fame and leaving a legacy was important as Queen Yrsa states that you have won much fame here. She got even with King Adils for killing her father/husband by giving their son great wealth and helping him against her current husband. Her prophecy also came true that King Adils chances of success would be very good. 

1 comment:

  1. Outstanding discussion of parallelism on page 65! Nice insight. These are very good entries.
