1. The unKnight was originally going to be killed, but the Queen interveans and he goes on a quest and the fruits of that expedition determin his fate.
2. That he will do anything she wants(he lucks out in the end but doesn't think so at first).
3. That women want to be the ones in charge of them selves and their men.
4. First he is all happy and greatful for her help, then when she wants him to marry her he freaks out but has to go along with it, he refuses to do any thing with her. After she rebuks his whinning she gives him to options(and a third unsated one), he merracusly sobers up and pike the third one that she should pick and she turns in to beautiful young lady and then the unKnight is uber happy with her.
7. I think it was a bad outcome because he should have been hung for his actions but lives anyways(and is married to pretty wife), one reson in my opinion for this ending is because of her adence. This teaches people that they can be cruel and mean and then get rewarded for their crimes.
I believe most people would agree with your answer that the Knight should be hung.