Thursday, November 15, 2012

Grammer thing 1-1-5 & 5-1-3

1. penny
2. genius, lunatic
3. for the students & for the teachers
4. work fast, ask few questions, generally keep a low profile
5. your homework, your e-mail, your chores

1. Anaphora, Bacon uses the repitition of the word "to" in a series of parallel clauses which make the reader wait for the point of the sentance.
Wright a letter to your parents; it has to be sent by e-mail.

2. Antithesis, the parallel structure emphasizes and life being long and short(respectively).
Choose to succeed today or to fail tomarow.

3. Zugma, Wilde is comparing flowers to people and there is inconsistency in the word pattern but makes sence in terms of meaning.
Keep your friends close, and your enimies closer.

1 comment:

  1. Riley - nice examples here, but your spelling needs some work.

    Great work in picking out Anaphora, Antithesis and Zugma!
